
A workflow helper for Solidworks

This tool automates the process of creating new parts and assemblies in SolidWorks, entering them into project's database, and assigning them custom property (such as part name) that is also visible in the database records. It can also perform few batch operations on files in the database.


Latest release


SwProjectInterface requires .NET 3.5 Framework to run, and, obviously, SolidWorks.

The tool was developed & tested with SolidWorks 2013, but should work flawlessly also with SolidWorks 2014



- Added possibility to batch-add existing files.
- Added tracking of recently opened projects.
- Added option to show empty rows, in numerical order (switch in right-click menu in database view).
- Added possibility of registering .swpi extension with current exe (under "Tools" menu).

- Fix crash when attempting to save imported project.
- Change "Prefix + Name + Suffix" to "Prefix + Number + Suffix" in import fields.
- Will now ask for save when closing project.

- BUGFIX: Now reading user settings from previours program version if present are missing.
- Added option to change the custom property value of existing files.
- User will now be notified when new version is available online.
- Cleaned up some SW api code
- GUI is now a little more sane.
- Added option to close open project and change the custom preperty name value without restarting the app.
- Minor CSVImport bugfixes and features
- Fix bug where it was possible to add same file to project multiple times

- Program version stored in project file for future compatibility purposes.
- Database "Open", "Update name" and "Remove" buttons moved to right-click context menu.
- Added option to find missing files manually.
- Improved file status updating.
- Custom property key un-hardcoded.
- Added prefix and suffix text boxes to number input form.
- Avoiding opening multiple Solidworks instances in background when reading file properties.
- BUG: when file gets created, it is reported as "FILE MISSING" - FIXED
- simple CSV import added.
- simple CSV export added.
- Few minor bugfixes.

- First version ready to testing. The custom property key value is hardcoded, to be opened in next version.


NOTE: Source code of this app is exceptionally ugly and messy. If you want to see it, you do it on your own responsibility ;)

View on GitHub


This tool is licensed under MIT license.